ECONOMICS & INSURANCE MAPFRE Economics Magazine Introduction Post Number 11 * Real estate markets and the insurance sector Monetary Policy Update Global economic outlook (Q2 2023) Industry outlook for the insurance market (Q2 2023) The senior economy, an emerging reality Number 10 The Spanish insurance market in 2021 Industry outlook for the insurance market (Q4 2022) Toward planetary health Number 9 Excess mortality, pandemic management, and insurance industry impacts Composition of insurance companies’ investment portfolios in the wake of COVID-19 Global economic outlook (Q2 2022) Industry outlook for the insurance market (Q2 2022) Number 8 The Spanish insurace market in 2020 The Latin American insurance market in 2020 Global economic outlook (4Q-2021) Industry outlook for the insurance market (4Q-2021) Emerging vulnerability analysis: evolution of the Emerging Risk Index (ERI) Number 7 A global perspective on Pension Systems Financial Inclusion in Insurance Global Economic Outlook (2Q-2021) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (2Q-2021) Spanish insurance market: Analysis of SCR, own funds and solvency ratios (2020) Number 6 The Spanish Insurance Market in 2019 The Latin American Insurance Market in 2019 Global Economic Outlook (4Q-2020) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (4Q-2020) Life insurance Number 5 Composition of insurance companies’ investment portfolios in the wake of Covid-19 Pandemics and the effectiveness of healthcare systems Global Economic Outlook (2Q-2020) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (2Q-2020) Number 4 The Spanish Insurance Market in 2018 The Latin American Insurance Market in 2018 Global Economic Outlook (4Q-2019) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (4Q-2019) The 2020 Review of Solvency II Number 3 The Challenges posed by Population Aging Location of Insurance Industry Investments 2017 Global Economic Outlook (2Q-2019) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (2Q-2019) Insurance Groups in Solvency II Number 2 The Spanish Insurance Market in 2017 The Latin American Insurance Market in 2017 Global Economic Outlook (4Q-2018) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (4Q-2018) Insurance Solvency Regulation Systems Longevity and aging in the third millenium Number 1 Reassessing Pensions Systems Insurance Expansión in Latin America Insurance Industry Investment Global Economic Outlook (2Q-2018) Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market Copulas: Concept and use in Risk Measurement Economic forecasts SUBSCRIBE MAPFRE Economics PDF Downloads Number 7 Number 6 Number 5 Number 10 Number 4 Number 9 Number 3 Number 8 Number 2 Number 1 RECEIVE OUR LATEST NEWS SUBSCRIBE Name(*) First last name:(*) Second last name: Your email (*) Basic information on Data Protection: At MAPFRE S.A., as the controller, we will use the information that you provide us with in order to notify you about the publication of forthcoming issues of “Revista Economía y Seguros” [Economics and Insurance Review] and to send you notifications about our new publications and the events to present same. We will carry out the processing described above based on your consent. Please be aware that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, and portability, as explained in the additional information that we have made available to you in the Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy. I have read and accepted the Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy