The Spanish Insurance Market in 2019Author: MAPFRE Economics Summary of the report’s conclusions:MAPFRE EconomicsThe Spanish Insurance Market in 2019Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, July 2020 In 2019, prior to the deep recession brought about by the pandemic, Spain's economy...
Number 6 - November 2020
The Latin American Insurance Market in 2019
Author: MAPFRE Economics Summary of the report’s conclusions: MAPFRE Economics The Latin American Insurance Market in 2019 Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, September 2020 In 2019, the Latin American and Caribbean economy grew 0.1 percent, compared to real GDP growth of 1...
Global Economic Outlook (4Q-2020)
Author: MAPFRE Economics Summary of the report’s conclusions: MAPFRE Economics 2020 Economic and Industry Outlook: Fourth Quarter Perspectives Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, October 2020 After a sharp fall in the dynamics of global activity—triggered by a shock unlike any...
Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (4Q-2020)
El análisis completo en torno a las perspectivas económicas y del sector asegurador con información adicional y gráficos interactivos sobre la Eurozona, Alemania, Italia, España, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Brasil, México, Argentina, Turquía, Japón, China y Filipinas

Life insurance
Author: MAPFRE Economics Summary of the report’s conclusions: MAPFRE Economics Elements for the development of life insurance Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, april 2020The design of a Life insurance product is a structuring exercise. The process involves market analysis to...