Author: MAPFRE Economics Summary of the report’s conclusions:MAPFRE EconomicsPopulation agingMadrid, Fundación MAPFRE, February 2019Population aging resulting from the combination of falling birth rates and a generalized increase in life expectancy constitutes one of...
Number 3 - May 2019
Location of Insurance Industry Investments 2017
Author: MAPFRE Economics This article provides a comparative view of the placement of insurance companies, by asset type, in a selection of markets, including both developed markets (the Eurozone, United States, United Kingdom and Spain) and emerging ones (Brazil and...
Global Economic Outlook (2Q-2019)
Author: MAPFRE Economics Summary of the report’s conclusions: 2019 Economic and Industry Outlook: Second Quarter Perspectives Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, April 2019 The situation today The strong growth recorded between 2017 and the first half of 2018 was followed by a...
Industry Outlook for the Insurance Market (2Q-2019)
This report shows a current and future view of regulatory trends in insurance. Industry Outlook 2019: Second Quarter Perspectives

Insurance Groups in Solvency II
Special collaboration of María Nuche Otero on the impact of Solvency II on the groups of insurance entities